24) Craft Store Dragons: A Public Nusiance

The demos are going great! I have run demo games for five people this fall, and a couple of them are definitely hooked. Teaching is a great way to learn, so I get a lot out of it, too.

It also helps that KoW is a very simple and elegant system compared to some of the more rules heavy wargames. In the past I have done demo games in my basement, but I have been using Gamer's Realm in New Berlin for the last month. Moving it to a public place really opens it up to people outside of my immediate family and close friends. Going forward I can teach the game to people who I have only just met. Also, Gamer's Realm is a great store, with nice tables and terrain. For the first demo game at the store, I brought a small army of Rats and a small army of Bretons. I taught my opponent the rules as we played. The next weekend I brought two full-sized armies. I was teaching two people how to play this time. Each player commanded one of the armies, and my friend Michael and I helped coach them turn by turn. Both players had a great time, and we are really hoping that they get into it.

In order to help other KoW or potential KoW players network locally, I created a facebook group. I gave it a very simple name that will be easily searchable, so folks can find it. It's simply called "Kings of War Wisconsin". I shared the group on a couple of the larger KoW community pages, and within 24 hours there were 13 members. In fact, a local player within 30 miles of me posted that he was looking for a pickup game that Saturday, so I was happy to meet him at a local game store and have a friendly 2300 pt battle. We would have never met if it hadn't been for the FB group.


After a couple weeks, we were up to 17 members, and people were already using the site to network and find other players to meet up with. There has even been some miniature trading, so it has been a great success all around.

On the hobby front, I have made some great progress with my Abyssal Demon army. I also painted up a horde of Revenant Infantry for my Undead. Most importantly, though, I added a Vampiric Dragon to the list.


You see, I recently played my monthly game against William, and he pointed out to me that it really didn't seem very fair or sporting that my Bretons had brought a dragon to the fight, since the Undead didn't have a dragon of their own. The only solution was to get an undead dragon. Strangely enough, I found the perfect dragon not at a games store, but at a craft store. This perfectly sculpted, finely pre-painted plastic dragon was only $17.00, and he is wonderful. All I had to do was base him and plunk him on the table. But something was missing. I couldn't place my finger on what it was, but then my little rat named "Soup" pointed out that this model was the perfect spot for that spare necromancer mini that I didn't know what to do with.



He looks like he was made to go there. Protected by the dragons claw, pointing his staff in the direction of some unseen foe. I am very pleased with how this turned out.


I'm equally pleased with how my Abyssals are coming along. I am especially looking forward to painting the Succubus Infantry Regiment, and the unit of harpies. So far I have gotten the Abyssal Guards, Molochs, and Warlocks painted.

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